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This is the Autonomous Offboard code which runs in the F651 hexacopter. This drone was built at Halmstad University by Bachelor students for the CPS-VO challenge competition 2018 https://cps-vo.org/group/CPSchallenge.
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jennifer david / F651-Drone-CAD
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseThe different parts of the F651 Hexacopter was developed in Solid Works and you find the models here for 3D printing. The drawings were done by Anders Bogga and Emil Andersson, final year Mechatronics Bachelor students 2018 of Halmstad University.
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jennifer david / Simulation_F651
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseThis repo lets you run the F651 hexacopter using ROS Kinetic and Gazebo. The instructions below will make the F651 hexacopter run the CPS-Challenge 2018 mission autonomously in a simulator.
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jennifer david / Theses
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseIn this repo, you find the link to all the theses published as a part of the drone F651 and "Team Halmstad"
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jennifer david / Gazebo_Harbour_Models
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterSome Gazebo models of a container terminal